For Groups

Package 1: Environmental Portrait Sessions

Environmental portraits project a modern and approachable connection to your business.  Employees pay for their own 30 minute session. You simply provide a small on-site office to serve as a gathering and consultation point, and socialize the shoot’s details to participants over email. Client’s that choose this option invite us to their company on a monthly or quarterly basis.
Included with the Package are:
  • Professional Session Tip Sheet for Men & Women
  • Photo Session with Professional Photographer, Nicole Connolly [ approx. 30 min per Person ]
  • Online Proof Gallery with 15-20 Session Images to Choose From
  • Post-Production: Selected Photo get Retouched and Optimized
  • Delivery of Digital Images in Color High-Res, LinkedIn and Web-Ready
Sessions start at $125.00 Per Person

Package 2: Professional Studio Portrait Sessions
Best option if you like to create a consistent look and you have a high volume of employees, students, interns, alumni or event visitors to be photographed on a particular day or at a particular event. Sessions are approx. 5-10 min per person depending on how aggressive you would like to make the session schedule . A 12’x12’ space is required for the studio setup. Please calculate about 45 min prior to the photo sessions and at the end for the breakdown of the studio.
Included with these sessions are:
  • Professional Session Tip Sheet for Men & Women
  • Studio Setup On Location [Lighting Equipment, Background & Display]
  • Tethered Photo Sessions with Professional Photographer, Nicole
  • Photo Review & Selection with Image Recommendation
  • Delivery of Digital Images in Color LinkedIn-Ready
Sessions start at $750.00

  • Include Retouching Service
  • Individuals Decide & Pay to the Photographer for their own Retouch

Package 3: Small Business Session Package
If you have a company with 3-15 employees you would like to get photographed for your company website our small business session package might be all you need.
Sessions start at $450.00

For Appointments, Questions, Feedback or To Brainstorm an Idea
call 508.873.6387 or email