There is no doubt that social media is fast. It’s constantly changing, and information is disseminated at the speed of light. It’s a struggle to keep pages current. Of course, here at Photo Fabulous You, we think an easy way to keep all of your social media platforms looking updated is to keep your picture looking updated. Not sure when to change your photo? Here are 5 surefire ways to know it’s time:
1. You’ve thrown away the clothes you’re wearing in it
If the outfit in your picture is so old that Goodwill wouldn't even take it, then it is absolutely time to post a new picture. Having an updated style shows that you care about what’s current and that you follow trends. That’s a positive in any industry.
2. You’re wearing your cap and gown…and you graduated 10 years ago
Along the same lines as number 1, what you’re wearing in the picture is important. If the only good picture of you is from college graduation, it’s probably time to get another one taken. You’re a professional, and your social media pages should reflect that.
3. There’s an old poster of (Insert Outdated Band Name Here) in the background
Everyone had one in their post-grad years-an old band poster taped to the wall, the ancient corners curling up. It’s fine to have (in a closet somewhere), but it shouldn’t appear on your LinkedIn. Be conscious of what is in the background of your photo. If it’s something unprofessional, it’s time to update.
4. Your hair color has changed three times since then
Your photo needs to be a reflection of who you actually are. If you are going in for a job interview or a new client meeting, any smart person will have googled you. Make sure your photos match what they’ll see. This is especially important if you’re meeting someone at a coffee shop or restaurant, where they’ll need to know what you look like in order to find you.
5. Your kids didn’t accept your Facebook “friend request” or LinkedIn “request to connect” because they didn’t recognize you
There’s no need to elaborate on this one. If your own children don’t recognize your outdated picture, it is definitely time for a change!
What’s the worst social media photo faux pas you’ve ever seen? Tell us in the comments below! And check back for more installments of Secrets From the Photo Fabulous Vault!
Photo Credit by Nicole Connolly
About Photo Fabulous You
Our Photo Fabulous You team focuses on professional women launching a new business or elevating their career to a higher level by combine their innovative skills with your own attributes to capture your best image in a photo and boost your ability to succeed.
Learn more about our Photo Fabulous Services.
Our Photo Fabulous You team focuses on professional women launching a new business or elevating their career to a higher level by combine their innovative skills with your own attributes to capture your best image in a photo and boost your ability to succeed.
Learn more about our Photo Fabulous Services.